Alicia News
Open Source Conference 2006 at Ookubo in Japan, Tokyo
- Presentaion files are available.
At Open Source Conference 2006
on Friday, May 17.
Other presentation file here.
Release Alicia-1.1.4 
- Fixed '?' command
- Fixed bug in the case that 'class' command was called without args.
- Alicia::GDB::Macro was released. This feature makes it possible to
use GDB macros in Alicia namespace during gdb mode.
package MyMacro;
use base qw(Alicia::GDB::Macro);
sub new { shift->SUPER::new(filehandle=>\*DATA); }
define inittask
set $init_t=&init_task
set $task = (struct task_struct *)$init_t
printf "pid: %d, comm: %s\n", $, $task.comm
alicia> load ''
alicia> print MyMacro->new->inittask
pid: 0, comm: swapper
- was imported into Alicia::KStruct and Alicia::GDB::KStruct
allows you to use KStruct feature in GDB mode. was deleted so that "use KStrcut" has to be removed from
your script.
Release Alicia-1.1.3 
- Fixed to be able to load a ldas file in deeply directory.
- Refactorised Alicia->new() function.
- Extracted KStruct feature. 'class' command wad added.
alicia> class 'task_struct', qw{flags pid *parent}
alicia> my $flags = task_struct(dde8853c)->flags
alicia> my $p_pid = task_struct(dde8853c)->_p_parent->pid
- 'helper' command to help for your new ldas was added.
alicia> helper 'My::Command'
alicia> !vi My/ # Add your feature
alicia> reload 'My/' # if you added
alicia> command()
- Getting a summary report from command line as './reportYMDHMS.html'
using '-report' switch.
$ alicia -report vmlinux vmcore
- The sample ldases were moved into ldas/sample directory.
!!! Please remove your ldasDir (default: /usr/share/ldas) !!!
!!! after backuped your ldases before install Alicia-1.1.3. !!!
Release Alicia-1.1.2
- Support Alicia APIs for GDB temporary.
- Add new command: kstruct
- Description:
Express the structure of kernel excellently
- Synopsys:
alicia> $task = kstruct('task_struct', '0xc1234567')
alicia> $task = kstruct('task_struct')
alicia> $task = kstruct->set('0xc1234567')
- Expand help command so you can add the help of command you made.
package YourPackage;
sub yourcommand { xxxxx }
sub help_yourcommand { return "Usage: yourcommand [xxxx]" }
- support for x86_64 on "report" command temporary.
- Add "reload" command to reload perl module( or ldas (xxx.ldas)
(This change alters the action of "load" command.)
Interface changes:
- "load" command does not reload the same file that was loaded once.
- Removed the license indication from version message.
Release Alicia-1.1.1
- for kernel2.6
Updates the Linux dump analysis scripts for kernel2.6.
This version has "report" command to report for the initial analysis of crash dump.
Upload Alicia presentation document
You can download presentation document
that was used at CJK-OSS WG1 conference in Beijing on April 15.
Release Alicia-1.0.2
The following features were added.
- "load" command loads all files under directry you specified.
- Load sample LDASs(Linux Dump Analysis Script) at initiation.
Release Alicia-1.0.2-rc1
Several bugs were fixed.
Open Source Conferent 2005 at Ookubo
- Upload presentation document!
Hideki Takahashi told about Alicia at
Open Source Conferent 2005
on Friday, May 25. You can download the presentation document
from here.
Releases Alicia-1.0.1
- * Important!
Some modules have not been included in Alicia-1.0.1-rc1.tar.gz.
Please remove the Alicia-1.0.1-rc1 and install
To uninstall the previous version:
1. RMF=`cat /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-multi/auto/Alicia/.packlist`
2. for i in $RMF; do rm -r $i; done
3. rm /etc/alicia.conf
4. rm /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-multi/auto/Alicia/.packlist
Sorry for inconvenience.
- * New features
Alicia-1.0.1 includes the following features:
- Supports bash-like fashion for command line.
(New configuration tag: ShellStyle is used to select the style)
- Add the package Alicia::Struct to handle a structure as if
the structure were a object in OO programming.
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